Thursday, April 28, 2011

Verifying iTunes video conversion and video syncing using sample QuickTime files

Verifying video conversion in iTunes

iTunes includes the capability to convert some movies into a format that can be played on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Apple TV that supports video playback. To verify that videos you convert using this feature play correctly, follow the steps below:
  1. When the conversion is complete, iTunes will create a copy of your movie in your iTunes library. There will be two movies listed with the same name. The sample_iTunes file with a kind of "MPEG-4 video file" is compatible with your device.
  2. Download this QuickTime sample movie: (right-click or Control-click this link and save it to your desktop). If you are using Internet Explorer, choose Save Target As from the shortcut menu. If you are using Safari, choose Download Linked File from the shortcut menu. Note: If the movie starts to play in a browser window, click Back and try again. (Make sure you hold the Control key down while clicking if you don't have a right button on your mouse).
  3. Open iTunes and add the sample movie "" to your Library. Note: The file may also appear as simply "sample_iTunes." To add the movie, open iTunes and choose Add to Library from the File menu.
  4. Locate and select the "sample_iTunes" file in iTunes.
  5. From the Advanced menu, choose Create iPod or iPhone Version or Create iPad or Apple TV version. While converting, you will notice an item named "Converting..." appear in the list on the left.
    The "Converting..." item disappears after the conversion is over.
  6. Connect your device and sync the converted sample movie to it.
  7. Eject your device in iTunes and disconnect it from the computer.
  8. On your device, find the "sample_iTunes" video and verify that it plays correctly.

Verifying video syncing to iPhone, iPad, and iPod

To verify that your device is syncing and playing movies that have been properly converted, follow these steps:
  1. Download this iPod-compatible sample movie: sample_iPod.m4v (right-click or Control-click the link and save it to your desktop). You may need to unzip this file if it is not automatically handled by your web browser. On Windows XP, right-click the downloaded zip archive and choose Extract All.
  2. Open iTunes and add the sample movie "sample_iPod.m4v" to your Library from the File menu. Note: The file may also appear as simply "sample_iPod".
  3. Connect your device and sync the pre-encoded sample movie to it.
  4. Eject your device in iTunes and verify that the "sample_iPod" movie plays correctly.

Troubleshooting Tips

If iTunes does not convert the "" file to a compatible version, consider the following options:
  • Verify that the sample movie plays in iTunes; if it doesn't, download and reinstall iTunes.
  • Verify that the video was converted correctly in iTunes using the procedure above.
If iTunes successfully converts the "" file to a compatible version, but your movie does not convert, consider the following options:
  • Recreate the movie from the original source material.
  • If your movie relies on a third-party QuickTime component, such as DivX, consult the vendor for software updates and additional support information.
If the iPod-compatible "sample_iPod.m4v" file does not sync to your device, consider the following options:
  • Verify that the sample movie plays in iTunes; if it doesn't, reinstall iTunes.

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